LOVELY ELEGANCE FOR SYMPATHY bouquet is a majestic combination of pink hues, adding a remarkable touch to any room or touching the heart of a bereaved one.
This beautiful bouquet is created using fresh flowers such as roses, carnations, asters, stock, snapdragons, Queen Anne's lace, and waxflower, this bouquet is perfect for expressing every kind of love and sympathy at a time of deep sorrow.
Because we create your sympathy bouquet with urgency, at the time you place your order, there may be some variation in the types of flowers we have on hand to use, but will always reflect the color and style of the arrangement, the same look and feel as the picture.
Standard bouquet is approx. 20"H x 15"W. Deluxe bouquet is approx. 20"H x 16"W. Premium bouquet is approx. 21"H x 18"W.
Rapid City Funeral Flowers by Fancies Flowers, your local Rapid City, SD, funeral flower specialist, will create and deliver this beautiful sympathy bouquet for you.